Thursday, May 03, 2007

a weight off my shoulders...

so, i've been writing (i know, doing actual writing!) and i was worried a little that what i thought was good was actually not too good at all. you see, my next project is taking me on a new and different journey, down the YA (meaning 'young adult') fiction path. while this may sound easier than writing for grown-ups, i don't think that's true - it's a whole different ballgame, and brings its own challenges. i am enjoying it - but i found myself grinding to a halt because the idea that i might not be doing it right had begun weighing heavier and heavier on my mind. so i got my 13 year old nephew to read it and he said he liked it, though a part of me was thinking 'you have to say that cause i'm your auntie and you feel sorry for me because though i'm twenty years older than you, you're so much taller than me'. you know, the usual familial paranoia.
but oh, weight of weights has just now been lifted. my agent thinks it's good! gooder than good, she thinks it's terrific. oh, the joy! (and the relief).
i have worked out a system. it came to me last night when i'd finished watching 'extreme makeover' and the rest of the house was in bed and i was not sleepy at all. i will work at night! the house is quiet, there are no distractions, and then i will have a valid excuse for sleeping in the next day. hurray!it's a win-win situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, sounds like an excellent system. scary is the Ms Snark thing. Bitch. Yet right. Damn her snarky self.